Generic and Reusable Parallel Pattern Interface
▼Ngrppi | |
▼Ninternal | |
Ccallable | |
Ccallable_helper | |
Ccallable_helper< R(*)(Args...)> | |
Ccallable_helper< R(Args...)> | |
Ccallable_helper< R(C::*)(Args...) const > | |
Ccallable_helper< R(C::*)(Args...)> | |
Cidentity | Identity type trait |
Cfarm_info | |
Cfilter_info | |
Cis_iterator | |
Cis_iterator< T, typename std::enable_if<!std::is_same< typename std::iterator_traits< T >::value_type, void >::value >::type > | |
Cmpmc_queue | |
Cnative_thread_manager | RAII class to manage registration/deregistration pairs. This class allows to manage automatic deregistration of threads through the common RAII pattern. The current thread is registered into the registry at construction and deregistered a destruction |
Cparallel_execution_native | Native parallel execution policy. This policy uses ISO C++ threads as implementation building block allowing usage in any ISO C++ compliant platform |
Cparallel_execution_omp | OpenMP parallel execution policy |
Cparallel_execution_tbb | TBB parallel execution policy |
Cpipeline_info | |
Cpolymorphic_execution | |
Creduction_info | |
Csequential_execution | Sequential execution policy |
Cthread_pool | |
Cthread_registry | Thread index table to provide portable natural thread indices |