▼Ngrppi | |
►Ndetail_ff | |
Cff_arena_t | Tag type for fastflow allocation. This empty type is used to select the overloaded placement new and delete operators that invoke the fastflow allocation routines |
Cfilter_worker | Worker that passes a value to next stage if the predicate is satisfied or the filtered_value constant otherwise |
Cfilter_collector | Collector node for a filter |
Cfilter_emitter | Emitter for a filter stage |
Citeration_worker | |
Cordered_stream_filter | |
Cordered_stream_reduce | Ordered stream reduce for FastFlow |
Creduce_emitter | Reduce emitter |
Creduce_worker | Reduce worker |
Creduce_collector | Reduce collector |
Cnode_impl | Fastflow node for a pipeline transformation stage |
Cnode_impl< void, Output, Generator > | Fastflow node for a pipeline generation stage |
Cnode_impl< Input, void, Consumer > | Fastflow node for a pipeline consumer stage |
Cunordered_stream_filter | |
Cunordered_stream_reduce | |
►Ninternal | |
Cidentity | Identity type trait |
Ccallable_helper | |
Ccallable_helper< R(Args...)> | |
Ccallable_helper< R(*)(Args...)> | |
Ccallable_helper< R(C::*)(Args...) const > | |
Ccallable_helper< R(C::*)(Args...)> | |
Ccallable | |
Cis_context | |
Cis_context< context_t< E, T > > | |
Cis_farm | |
Cis_farm< farm_t< T > > | |
Cis_filter | |
Cis_filter< filter_t< T > > | |
Cis_iteration | |
Cis_iteration< iteration_t< T, P > > | |
Cis_iterator | |
Cis_iterator< T, typename std::enable_if<!std::is_same< typename std::iterator_traits< T >::value_type, void >::value >::type > | |
Care_iterators | |
Care_iterators< T > | |
Cis_queue | |
Cis_queue< mpmc_queue< T > > | |
Cis_pipeline | |
Cis_pipeline< pipeline_t< T... > > | |
Coutput_value_type | |
Coutput_value_type< I, pipeline_t< T, U... > > | |
Cis_reduce | |
Cis_reduce< reduce_t< C, I > > | |
Ccontext_t | Representation of a context pattern. Represents a context that uses a given policy to run a transformer. This pattern is intended to switch between execution policies in a pattern composition |
Cfarm_t | Representation of farm pattern. Represents a farm of n replicas from a transformer |
Cfilter_t | Representation of filter pattern. Represents a filter that can be used as a stage on a pipeline |
Citeration_t | Representation of iteration pattern. Represents a iteration that can be used as a stage on a pipeline |
Cmpmc_queue | |
Cpipeline_info | |
Creduction_info | |
Cfarm_info | |
Cfilter_info | |
Cstage_return_type | Determines the return type after applying a list of transformers (stages) on a input type |
Cstage_return_type< Input, Transformer > | Determines the return type of applying a function on a input type |
Cstage_return_type< Input, Transformer, Other ... > | Determines the return type of consecutively applying a set of transformer functions on a input type |
Cpipeline_t | Representation of pipeline pattern. Represents a pipeline with multiple chained transformers |
Creduce_t | Representation of reduce pattern. Represents a reduction that can be used as a stage on a pipeline |
Cdynamic_execution | |
Cparallel_execution_ff | |
Cthread_registry | Thread index table to provide portable natural thread indices |
Cnative_thread_manager | RAII class to manage registration/deregistration pairs. This class allows to manage automatic deregistration of threads through the common RAII pattern. The current thread is registered into the registry at construction and deregistered a destruction |
Cparallel_execution_native | Native parallel execution policy. This policy uses ISO C++ threads as implementation building block allowing usage in any ISO C++ compliant platform |
Cworker_pool | Pool of worker threads. This class offers a simple pool of worker threads |
Cparallel_execution_omp | OpenMP parallel execution policy |
Csequential_execution | Sequential execution policy |
Cparallel_execution_tbb | TBB parallel execution policy |
▼Nstd | STL namespace |
Ctuple_size< testing::internal::FlatTuple< Ts... > > | |
▼Ntesting | |
►Ninternal | |
►Ninternal_stream_operator_without_lexical_name_lookup | |
CLookupBlocker | |
CStreamPrinter | |
CBuiltInDefaultValueGetter | |
CBuiltInDefaultValueGetter< T, false > | |
CBuiltInDefaultValue | |
CBuiltInDefaultValue< const T > | |
CBuiltInDefaultValue< T * > | |
CByMoveWrapper | |
CReturnAction | |
CReturnNullAction | |
CReturnVoidAction | |
CReturnRefAction | |
CReturnRefOfCopyAction | |
CReturnRoundRobinAction | |
CDoDefaultAction | |
CAssignAction | |
CSetErrnoAndReturnAction | |
CSetArgumentPointeeAction | |
CInvokeMethodAction | |
CInvokeWithoutArgsAction | |
CInvokeMethodWithoutArgsAction | |
CIgnoreResultAction | |
CWithArgsAction | |
CDoAllAction | |
CReturnNewAction | |
CReturnArgAction | |
CSaveArgAction | |
CSaveArgPointeeAction | |
CSetArgRefereeAction | |
CSetArrayArgumentAction | |
CDeleteArgAction | |
CReturnPointeeAction | |
CExcessiveArg | |
CActionImpl | |
►CImplBase | |
CHolder | |
CActionImpl< R(Args...), Impl > | |
CThisRefAdjuster | |
CInvokeArgumentAction | |
CNiceMockImpl | |
CNaggyMockImpl | |
CStrictMockImpl | |
CKindOf | |
CFailureReporterInterface | |
CWithoutMatchers | |
CStlContainerView | |
CStlContainerView< Element[N]> | |
CStlContainerView< ::std::tuple< ElementPointer, Size > > | |
CRemoveConstFromKey | |
CRemoveConstFromKey< std::pair< const K, V > > | |
CFunction | |
CFunction< R(Args...)> | |
CContainerPrinter | |
CFunctionPointerPrinter | |
CPointerPrinter | |
CProtobufPrinter | |
CConvertibleToIntegerPrinter | |
CConvertibleToStringViewPrinter | |
CRawBytesPrinter | |
CFallbackPrinter | |
CFindFirstPrinter | |
CFindFirstPrinter< T, decltype(Printer::PrintValue(std::declval< const T & >(), nullptr)), Printer, Printers... > | |
CFormatForComparison | |
CFormatForComparison< ToPrint[N], OtherOperand > | |
CUniversalPrinter | |
CUniversalPrinter< const T > | |
CUniversalPrinter< T[N]> | |
CUniversalPrinter< T & > | |
CUniversalTersePrinter | |
CUniversalTersePrinter< T & > | |
CUniversalTersePrinter< T[N]> | |
CUniversalTersePrinter< const char * > | |
CUniversalTersePrinter< char * > | |
CUniversalTersePrinter< wchar_t * > | |
Cfaketype | |
CEqHelper | |
CAssertHelper | |
CIgnoredValue | |
CFloatingPoint | |
CTypeIdHelper | |
CTestFactoryBase | |
CTestFactoryImpl | |
CCodeLocation | |
CSuiteApiResolver | |
CDefaultNameGenerator | |
CNameGeneratorSelector | |
CTypeParameterizedTest | |
CTypeParameterizedTest< Fixture, TestSel, internal::None > | |
CTypeParameterizedTestSuite | |
CTypeParameterizedTestSuite< Fixture, internal::None, Types > | |
CConstCharPtr | |
CTrueWithString | |
CRandom | |
CHasDebugStringAndShortDebugString | |
CIsHashTable | |
CIsRecursiveContainerImpl | |
CIsRecursiveContainerImpl< C, false > | |
CIsRecursiveContainerImpl< C, true > | |
CIsRecursiveContainer | |
CRelationToSourceReference | |
CRelationToSourceCopy | |
CNativeArray | |
CIndexSequence | |
CDoubleSequence | |
CDoubleSequence< true, IndexSequence< I... >, sizeofT > | |
CDoubleSequence< false, IndexSequence< I... >, sizeofT > | |
CMakeIndexSequenceImpl | |
CMakeIndexSequenceImpl< 0 > | |
CIgnore | |
CElemFromListImpl | |
CElemFromListImpl< IndexSequence< I... > > | |
CElemFromList | |
CFlatTupleConstructTag | |
CFlatTuple | |
CFlatTupleElemBase | |
CFlatTupleElemBase< FlatTuple< T... >, I > | |
CFlatTupleBase | |
CFlatTupleBase< FlatTuple< T... >, IndexSequence< Idx... > > | |
CParamGeneratorInterface | |
CParamGenerator | |
CParamIteratorInterface | |
CParamIterator | |
CRangeGenerator | |
CValuesInIteratorRangeGenerator | |
CParameterizedTestFactory | |
CTestMetaFactoryBase | |
CTestMetaFactory | |
CParameterizedTestSuiteInfoBase | |
CMarkAsIgnored | |
CParameterizedTestSuiteInfo | |
CParameterizedTestSuiteRegistry | |
CTypeParameterizedTestSuiteRegistry | |
CValueArray | |
CCartesianProductGenerator | |
CCartesianProductHolder | |
CRE | |
CGTestLog | |
CConstRef | |
CConstRef< T & > | |
CMutex | |
CGTestMutexLock | |
CThreadLocal | |
CTypeWithSize | |
CTypeWithSize< 4 > | |
CTypeWithSize< 8 > | |
CString | |
CNone | |
►CTemplateSel | |
CBind | |
CTemplates | |
CTemplates< Head_ > | |
CTypes | |
CTypes< Head_ > | |
CProxyTypeList | |
Cis_proxy_type_list | |
Cis_proxy_type_list< ProxyTypeList< Ts... > > | |
CGenerateTypeList | |
CDefaultValue | |
CDefaultValue< T & > | |
CDefaultValue< void > | |
CActionInterface | |
CAction | |
CPolymorphicAction | |
CNiceMock | |
CNaggyMock | |
CStrictMock | |
CMatcher | |
CMessage | |
CTest | |
CTestProperty | |
CTestResult | |
CTestInfo | |
CTestSuite | |
CEnvironment | |
CTestEventListener | |
CEmptyTestEventListener | |
CTestEventListeners | |
CUnitTest | |
CWithParamInterface | |
CTestWithParam | |
CScopedTrace | |
CTestParamInfo | |
CPrintToStringParamName | |
CContainerTest | |
CExternalInstantiationTest | |
CFieldHelper | |
CInstantiationInMultipleTranslationUnitsTest | |
CInterface | |
CInvokeHelper | |
CMock | |
CPrivateCode | |