GrPPI  1.0
Generic and Reusable Parallel Pattern Interface
Namespace List
Here is a list of all namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 Ccontext_tRepresentation of a context pattern. Represents a context that uses a given policy to run a transformer. This pattern is intended to switch between execution policies in a pattern composition
 Cfarm_tRepresentation of farm pattern. Represents a farm of n replicas from a transformer
 Cfilter_tRepresentation of filter pattern. Represents a filter that can be used as a stage on a pipeline
 Citeration_tRepresentation of iteration pattern. Represents a iteration that can be used as a stage on a pipeline
 Cstage_return_typeDetermines the return type after applying a list of transformers (stages) on a input type
 Cstage_return_type< Input, Transformer >Determines the return type of applying a function on a input type
 Cstage_return_type< Input, Transformer, Other ... >Determines the return type of consecutively applying a set of transformer functions on a input type
 Cpipeline_tRepresentation of pipeline pattern. Represents a pipeline with multiple chained transformers
 Creduce_tRepresentation of reduce pattern. Represents a reduction that can be used as a stage on a pipeline
 Cthread_registryThread index table to provide portable natural thread indices
 Cnative_thread_managerRAII class to manage registration/deregistration pairs. This class allows to manage automatic deregistration of threads through the common RAII pattern. The current thread is registered into the registry at construction and deregistered a destruction
 Cparallel_execution_nativeNative parallel execution policy. This policy uses ISO C++ threads as implementation building block allowing usage in any ISO C++ compliant platform
 Cworker_poolPool of worker threads. This class offers a simple pool of worker threads
 Cparallel_execution_ompOpenMP parallel execution policy
 Csequential_executionSequential execution policy
 Cparallel_execution_tbbTBB parallel execution policy
 NstdSTL namespace
 Ctuple_size< testing::internal::FlatTuple< Ts... > >
 CDefaultValue< T & >
 CDefaultValue< void >