Generic and Reusable Parallel Pattern Interface
This is the complete list of members for grppi::parallel_execution_tbb, including all inherited members.
concurrency_degree() const noexcept | grppi::parallel_execution_tbb | inline |
disable_ordering() noexcept | grppi::parallel_execution_tbb | inline |
divide_conquer(Input &&input, Divider &÷_op, Solver &&solve_op, Combiner &&combine_op) const | grppi::parallel_execution_tbb | |
divide_conquer(Input &&input, Divider &÷_op, Predicate &&predicate_op, Solver &&solve_op, Combiner &&combine_op) const | grppi::parallel_execution_tbb | |
enable_ordering() noexcept | grppi::parallel_execution_tbb | inline |
is_ordered() const noexcept | grppi::parallel_execution_tbb | inline |
make_filter(Iteration< Transformer, Predicate > &&, OtherTransformers &&...) const | grppi::parallel_execution_tbb | |
make_queue() const | grppi::parallel_execution_tbb | inline |
map(std::tuple< InputIterators... > firsts, OutputIterator first_out, std::size_t sequence_size, Transformer transform_op) const | grppi::parallel_execution_tbb | |
map_reduce(std::tuple< InputIterators... > firsts, std::size_t sequence_size, Identity &&identity, Transformer &&transform_op, Combiner &&combine_op) const | grppi::parallel_execution_tbb | |
parallel_execution_tbb() noexcept | grppi::parallel_execution_tbb | inline |
parallel_execution_tbb(int concurrency_degree, bool order=true) noexcept | grppi::parallel_execution_tbb | inline |
pipeline(Generator &&generate_op, Transformers &&... transform_op) const | grppi::parallel_execution_tbb | |
pipeline(mpmc_queue< InputType > &input_queue, Transformer &&transform_op, mpmc_queue< OutputType > &output_queue) const | grppi::parallel_execution_tbb | inline |
reduce(InputIterator first, std::size_t sequence_size, Identity &&identity, Combiner &&combine_op) const | grppi::parallel_execution_tbb | |
set_concurrency_degree(int degree) noexcept | grppi::parallel_execution_tbb | inline |
set_queue_attributes(int size, queue_mode mode, int tokens) noexcept | grppi::parallel_execution_tbb | inline |
stencil(std::tuple< InputIterators... > firsts, OutputIterator first_out, std::size_t sequence_size, StencilTransformer &&transform_op, Neighbourhood &&neighbour_op) const | grppi::parallel_execution_tbb | |
tokens() const noexcept | grppi::parallel_execution_tbb | inline |